Get your clients SECURE (2.0)

In January, I told a friend I was bogged down learning about the potential impact of SECURE 2.0. He responded, “What’s that?” It’s a good reminder for all of us:

Just because the new SECURE Act has the potential to impact your clients… doesn’t mean they know what it is.

Alas, we’re here to help, along with our friends at WealthVoice. We created a bundle of pre-written, easy-to-customize scripts explaining key parts of SECURE 2.0 in a way that shows your clients why they should care.

Four scripts cover

  • What the act is / why it matters

  • Paying for college (529s)

  • Roth updates

  • Charitable giving

And while these are written as scripts, you can easily adapt them into blog and social posts. Trust us, it’s much easier when the writing is done for you.


How to explain SVB’s collapse to clients


It’s time to thank SBF (no, really)