Deferment vs. forebearance


This article explains what deferment is, what forbearance is, and the difference between them. It then dives deeper into practical applications of both, and provides opportunities for you to weigh in with your point of view and overarching guidance for clients. This article can be particularly helpful in 2021 with COVID-19-based forbearance on the table.

What’s included:

~ 750 word customizable article

~ High-res image (choose from a selection)

~ Customizable social post

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This article explains what deferment is, what forbearance is, and the difference between them. It then dives deeper into practical applications of both, and provides opportunities for you to weigh in with your point of view and overarching guidance for clients. This article can be particularly helpful in 2021 with COVID-19-based forbearance on the table.

What’s included:

~ 750 word customizable article

~ High-res image (choose from a selection)

~ Customizable social post

This article explains what deferment is, what forbearance is, and the difference between them. It then dives deeper into practical applications of both, and provides opportunities for you to weigh in with your point of view and overarching guidance for clients. This article can be particularly helpful in 2021 with COVID-19-based forbearance on the table.

What’s included:

~ 750 word customizable article

~ High-res image (choose from a selection)

~ Customizable social post

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